North Central Task Force
PICCC Inc. – Fiscal Agent for NCTF
2595-1 Clyde Avenue
State College, PA 16801
Phone: 814-237-8998
signup for training announcements
The NCTF Law Enforcement Committee meets on the second Tuesday of every month. The committee’s roles and responsibilities include identifying gaps in skills and preparedness, and recommending training and exercise priorities to the Training and Exercise committee, as well as sustaining task force sponsored equipment throughout the region. Have a goal to improve information sharing and coordination between law enforcement and emergency management by practicing the use of the Incident Command System and taking part in exercises. Aim to improve situational awareness with an established relationship with the private sector via tabletop exercises, core capabilities for demonstration, and risk management for protection programs and activities. Another objective is to establish a pre-plan for multiple operational periods for all hazard’s incidents and events, fostering relationships among departments and response disciplines to identify personnel and resources.
Current projects include working in conjunction with the EMS Committee to provide RTF (Rescue Task Force) training to the region utilizing in house instructors from this committee as well as the EMS Committee as well as a regional lighting project.
The NCTF is home to three SWAT teams. Columbia/Montour SWAT, Sayre SWAT and Williamsport SRT. The committee supports these regional assets with trainings and equipment. 2022 will see the following trainings; Basic Crisis Negotiations, SWAT Command Decision Leader, Sniper Training, Less Lethal Instructor, as well as an Armored Vehicle Operators Tactics course. Ballistic helmets, night vision equipment, tactical vests, are some NCTF sponsored equipment that extends the capabilities of the teams.
To develop strategies, standards, plans, training, and equipment needs of law enforcement agencies and specialized law enforcement assets in support, prevention, protection, and comprehensive response capabilities.
Chair: JD Stanley, Danville Police Department
Vice-Chair: Chief Daniel Reynolds, Sayre Police Department