Communications Committee

The NCTF Communications Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of the month. Roles and responsibilities include identifying gaps in skills and preparedness, recommend training and exercise priorities to the Training and Exercise Committee, and sustaining equipment. The committee is tasked with maintaining and growing the interoperability of regional communications by implementing the Regional Interoperability Communications Plan, developing a long-term strategic plan of communications in the region, and incorporating digital data communications. A goal is to maintain and grow interoperability of incident commanders and emergency responders throughout the NCTF. This will be achieved by determining training needs in cooperation with the Training and Exercise Committee, and standardizing public notification by providing a guideline for minimum standard notification.

The NCTF supports four communications units in the region.

State P25 digital radio system allows regional communications to connect field users to our Multi Agency Coordination Centers (MACCs).

Mission Statement

Develop regional baseline procedures and programs that will standardize and optimize all communications, including Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs), incident command posts, Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs), emergency responders and Auxiliary Communications services (ACS) in the field in support of large-scale incidents.

Committee Leadership

Chair: Bob Brown-Lycoming ACS

Vice-Chair: Currently Vacant

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